Cognitive Communication Checklist for Acquired Brain Injury-old
Author: Sheila MacDonald MCl.Sc. Reg. CASLPO SLP(C)
The Cognitive-Communication Checklist for Acquired Brain injury (CCCABI) is a 1 page referral tool summarizing 45 communication difficulties in 10 areas of cognitive-communication functioning. It was developed by Sheila MacDonald and is based on evidence synthesis, pilot testing, and expert review. The Cognitive-Communication Checklist for Acquired Brain Injury CCCABI was developed to assist individuals with brain injuries access speech-language pathology services.
Communication impairments are common after brain injury with incidence rates higher than 75%. Most often these are cognitive-communication deficits which result from underlying cognitive or thinking difficulties (e.g. attention, memory, reasoning). After a brain injury, communication difficulties can be debilitating and difficult to identify and to describe. Speech-language pathologists are experts in communication intervention. The CCCABI is a referral tool designed to help identify communication difficulties that require referral to a speech-language pathologist (speech therapist).
The CCCABI was designed for three reasons:
- To help people with brain injuries and their families describe their communication difficulties.
- To help healthcare professionals detect communication difficulties more consistently.
- To help administrators, program leaders, and funding sources to understand the effects of brain injury on a person’s ability to think and communicate.
The CCCABI is a referral tool only; it is not intended to replace thorough SLP assessment or to provide a diagnosis. Once difficulties are identified on the CCCABI the individual should be referred to an SLP for a full assessment.
Colourful CCCABI checklists can be ordered in print form. Click to order the CCCAB
//need to add different languages with pdfs on them