Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning and Executive Strategies
Author: Sheila MacDonald M.CI.Sc. SLP(C)
Sufficiently Challenging to Detect Subtle Cognitive-Communication Deficits
- Assesses verbal reasoning, complex comprehension, discourse, and executive functioning during performance on a set of challenging functional tasks.
- Requires processing of ‘real life’ amounts of information, analysis of several factors, integration of a variety of types of stimuli, and formulation of written and oral responses.
Standardized on the ABI population
- Standardized on adults with acquired brain injuries as well as a sample of non-injured controls (18-79 yrs). Individual performance can be compared to norms for time, accuracy, rationale, and a set of reasoning subskills.
- Sound reliability and validity with clinical trials demonstrating statistically significant differences between adults with ABI and non-injured controls.
Reflective of Functioning in the Real World
- Designed with ecological validity in mind FAVRES tasks simulate real world communications and incorporate context using natural settings, roles, and conversation.
- Qualitative and Quantitative aspects of performance are incorporated into the scoring
- Tasks require the examinee to:
- Plan an Event
- Schedule a Work day
- Decide on a Gift
- Build a Case to Solve a Common Problem
Yields Clinically Relevant Information about Verbal Reasoning Performance
FAVRES results form the basis for treatment planning by answering the following questions.
- Getting the Facts – Can the person identify the most important facts?
- Eliminating Irrelevant Information – Can the person identify and ignore less relevant information in order to focus on more important information?
- Weighing the Facts – Can the person compare or weigh competing options or criteria?
- Flexibility – Can the person revise a decision or plan of action when presented with new information?
- Generating of Alternatives – Can the person efficiently generate a variety of solutions, options or alternatives?
- Predicting Consequences – Can the person predict potential outcomes, pros and cons, or consequences of a choice?
- Providing a Rationale – Can the person provide a rationale or a set of reasons for making a choice?
Available in the following languages:
- English
- French
- Swedish
- German
Administration Time: Approx. 60 minutes: 15 minutes per task. lndividual times vary.
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